Yoga Doesn’t Give A Shit. . .


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 Yoga doesn’t care if you can touch your toes. . .

bend your knees.

Yoga doesn’t care if you have read the Sutras chapter and verse. . .

you are welcome.

Yoga doesn’t care who Lulu or Lucy are or if your pants are vegetable dyed hemp. . .

you are not your clothes.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are having your best day or your worst. . .

any day is a good day to practice.

Yoga doesn’t care if you believe you are physically broken or emotionally bankrupt . . .

come as you are.

Yoga doesn’t care if your pants are see-through. . .

and they are, trust me.

Yoga doesn’t care if you speak English, French, Korean or Sanskrit. . .

just speak your own truth.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Aetheist, Agnostic. . .

as long as you walk in love.

Yoga doesn’t care if you think you are “all that”. . .

it will humble you.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are fat or skinny, tall or short, brown or white. . .

you are not your vessel.

Yoga doesn’t care if you do not believe in yourself. . .

it will show you the way.

Yoga doesn’t care if you’ve been a jerk your whole life. . .

it will reveal your inner light.

Yoga doesn’t care if you practice yin, Bhakti, Bikram, vinyasa. . .

this practice offers so much.

Yoga doesn’t care if you practice in the heat or cold, in a bed, on a cushion or in a chair. . .

it cannot be contained.

Yoga doesn’t care if you practice one limb or all eight. . .

you have to start somewhere.

Yoga doesn’t care if you can’t shut off your mind. . .

that is why it is called a practice.

Yoga doesn’t care about Chaturanga, Adho Mukha Vrksasana,

or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. . .

those asanas are the illusions to which we attach ourselves.

Yoga doesn’t give a shit. . .

you do.

Let go of judgment, labels and perfection. . .

simply practice.

16 Replies to “Yoga Doesn’t Give A Shit. . .”

  1. Dear Sam,

    We’d like to have this as our studio’s mantra in Cape Town (, ha! Thank you so much for sharing.

    Let wisdom resonate with wisdom.

    Lauren ❤


    1. Lauren,

      Thank you for your kindness – I’m honored my writing resonates with others, especially half way around the world. But it is a small world, isn’t it? I also did my 200 hr Teacher Training in Denver, CO, we’ve sinced moved, but I return to Denver and Boulder each year for Hanuman Yoga Festival and to visit old yoga friends. The work that Lion Hearted Kids does is inspirational – I truly believe yoga can be a profound healing tool and what a wonderful thing to bring to children!

      Light and Love,



  2. A good Karate teacher will say “Shut up and punch”. Your poem has the same flavor.
    Climbing the same mountain from a slightly different angle.

    We’re all in it together,
    Md in CO


  3. Love this! Heard it at one of my first yoga classes recently read by yoga instructor Sybil in Colorado….heard it at the perfect time in my new yoga journey<3


    1. Thank you, honestly, I had never read Janne Robinson’s version and was surprised when someone else told me about it. I love the idea that there are really no new ideas and I enjoyed her version.

      “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”
      ― André Gide

      Perhaps that is why it is so intimidating for many of us (or at least myself) to put words to paper. Nothing truly worth saying, hasn’t been said before and it was probably said with more elegance!


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